Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blog assignment 3, some foreign correspondent thing.

Alright due to an audition for a BCI musical I did not get home until 9:30 and only have 15 minutes to complete this assignment.

Yeasterday a noble Roman and former associate of the late Julius Caesar convinced most of Rome to rise up against Caesar's murderers. This provoked much violence and many innocent citizens whose names were similar to those of the conspirators found themselves in deep trouble. In one such incidence a poet by the name of Cinna found himself being mobbed by Romans and torn apart mercilessly. Earlier I spoke with an eyewitness of the scene who wishes to remain anonymous in case of provoking more violence and received his report.
"Many people were on the way to visit Caesar's funeral, however certain unfortunates were not lucky enough to return. I saw a man torn apart with bare hands today, and doubt I'll go many nights without seeing it again. An innocent man who I had met before and who seemed like a kind person was torn apart for no other reason than his name being Cinna. Antony's speech at the funeral had turned the people into bloodthirsty beasts unwilling to listen to the pleas of Cinna the poet, unwilling to acknowledge the truth of his identity. When the mob left the scene there was nothing left of the poet other than blood. This makes me wonder whether it was truly the conspirators who where bloodthirsty and dishonourable, or whether it is us Romans. Either way, I have a feeling that this act of violence towards an innocent citiczen is bad news for the conspirators. If people would treat a person by the name of Cinna this way, how would they treat Cinna himself? I believe that it is best for most people who do not wish to be involved in this to stay inside until this event plays out."
And there we have it, our eyewitness report on the event of Cinna the poet's death and his opinions on what happened. Stay tuned for out next news report at the same time tomorrow. Although I don't really know how you'll stay tuned because the radio won't be invented for millenia.

There you have it, > 200 words. Now I must be going because I am three minutes ahead of schedule. I suppose I will have to skip lunch.